This image was inspired by my grandmothers and the grandmothers of my community. In this piece I imagine that she is dressed for church and waiting for the rest of the family as she gazes up at a bird or interestingly shaped cloud.
Here, I'd like to give you a chance to tell me about your grandmother and what makes her special to you and to the world. Feel free to upload a picture as well.
Scroll to bottom of page to comment and leave your note about your grandma.
My grandma is probably one of the people I look up to most in my life. She’s the funniest, sweetest, most determined, and optimistic person I know. Despite living with MS for most of her life and facing more than her fair share of challenges, you’d never know it from the way she lights up a room. She’s the type of person who can turn a dull or frustrating situation into something worth laughing about. Even though she has mobility issues, she takes charge in organizing holiday events, running the community movie theater, and keeping tabs on everyone (in the best way) in her senior living community. For years, she’s even taken on the role of helping care for other…
my suzi 💞 she is , and taught me to be, a forever learner. she taught me that those who work with their hands are never bored. she taught me there's always more than one way to accomplish something.
her brain is my brain and we laugh together as we end sentences with "but what do i know."
she has deep dark kind eyes that i see every time i look into the mirror and see my own.
she really is my best friend and i am blessed to still sit in & soak up every moment i have with her.
My grandmother was love personified. She was a deep belly laugh that made your sides ache and tears run down your face. She was a wrangler and tamer of the unruliest group of ragtag grandbabies you ever saw. In her hugs you found acceptance and forgiveness. But her words, mannnn, those would get you together real quick. She was Sunday dinners and Christmas mornings. The one who showed up for every game, event, awards ceremony, you name it. She was simply there. Her arms were home. Her words a guiding light in the darkest of times. She was my mother, father, best friend, my whole world. I’m honored that she lives on through me.
Shirley Ruth Jones
She always remembered my birthday and sent $10 on Christmas. Somehow from hundreds of miles away, I always felt her love. She talked me through making pear preserves and told me how her mother had made lye soap outside on the fire.
Ever giving and loving she lives strong in my memory.