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"It was a pleasure and a gift to have been there, thank you for bringing this project to life. I'am amazed that you could take an experience like finding that jar of "skin color", and live and breathe through everything it made you feel, then turn it into a springboard for meaningful exchanges like I experienced yesterday. You took something that could have closed doors and turned it into a living work of art that opens them."

-Florence M., Dallas,TX

Skin Color is an interactive art performance highlighting the beautiful spectrum of skin tones beyond the concepts of race and therefore class. Through lighthearted conversations and interactions with the artist, Althea Jones, participants are encouraged to see more in their skin color. 


During the Skin Color sessions, Althea invites individuals or small groups to engage in lively and enriching conversations about life, connection, identity, and race while color matching the participants specific skin color with acrylic paint. The goal of the project is to encourage self-love and actualization while simultaneously building community. Althea plans to color match at least 1000 people in and around the Akron, Ohio area over the life of this project. 

Skin Color was conceptualized in early 2023 after Althea encountered a container of peachy ink labeled “skin color.” As a BIPOC artist, this label caused Althea to pause. She began to question her personal relationship with her own identity and skin color alongside mainstream marketing and societal implicit bias. Skin Color seeks to explore the ability to celebrate skin tone differences while healing an instance of implicit bias in a unique and positive way.




"Skin Color" isn't just an art piece—it's a vibrant celebration of joy, identity, and community. It's about breaking barriers and embracing the beauty of diversity. And you have the chance to be an integral part of this movement.

By supporting "Skin Color," you're not just contributing to a project; you're joining a community dedicated to spreading love and acceptance through art. Your donation will help bring this transformative experience to life, touching hearts and minds across our community.



05.25.2024 Superpower Self-Portrait @ Akron Soul Train

Create a one-of-a-kind collage based self-portrait using your custom skin color.

06.01.2024 Donor Pizza Party and Brainstorming 

Individual donors are invited for an old-school pizza party and brainstorming session for upcoming game

06.22.2024 Superpower Talk @ Goodyear Hts. Library

Get to know yourself and others through this dynamic and interactive presentation


Do you believe in the power of art to create positive change and foster community engagement? All of my work seeks to encourage self-understanding and community. As a change maker, you can support my art practice and the change that it is making in our community (because we are all universal neighbors). Together, we can create a brighter future through the power of art.

Organizational Partners/Donors

Akron Soul Train Logo Gold.png
Blick Logo Square.png

Individual Partners/Donors

Nathaniel Hartfield

Devin Branch

Amadou Diallo

Devin Branch

William Tellor

DeLaurence Fouche

Hakeem Hicks

Tracey Merriweather

Trudie Latson

Bryan William

Philip Bridgeman

Michael McMillon

Debbie Toder

Alexandria Santiago

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